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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Review 1
    I think that this game was terrific! It related pretty well to the book. In this game Quidditch is awesome. It has great music. I think it would have been nice though if they had Transfiguration. I also thought that it was really weird and annoying that their mouths didn’t move. The lessons were very cool (except the Lumos challenge that was sort of boring.) Potions and Herbology were my favorite! It was hard at first, and frustrating. But after a while it got pretty easy. The worst creatures in this game were the gnomes. Not only do they take some of your beans when they bite you they also take away some of your life. And their moaning drives anyone crazy! I didn’t think the game was too long, if you go on for an hour a day you can finish in about a week, (that has been my experience.) It went along with the story well; it didn’t have your detention in the Forbidden Forest unfortunately. But you can’t fit everything in a game. I think that this game is not just rated for Excellency, but also for Everyone that is determined, likes Harry Potter, and likes games.

Dan's Project:

The Snitch
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