Gamecube Reviews
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
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Review 1
Harry Potter and the
Chamber of Secrets was a good game, I thought, on the whole. The game, however,
did have some problems. I believe that the game was very enjoyable yet, was
aimed toward a younger audience. I, myself, played the game when I was 15 years
old and quickly realized that certain aspects of the game were certainly not for
15 year olds.
The game was too easy. I am the type of person who NEVER finishes a game and
ALWAYS gets bored with a game after maybe 2 weeks. I don't know what it is about
me but I can never seem to enjoy a game longer than that. This game, however,
required about 20 hours of gameplay from start to finish. It was the shortest,
easiest game I have ever played. It was clearly geared to be semi-difficult for
youngsters as well as possible to finish. This is probably because many
youngsters don't get too many games like this, that is, games that require
beating, like an RPG.
The game was actually quite fun, even as a 15 year old. The
fact that I could actually beat a game made it quite more enjoyable than it
would have been as well. Now for the pros and cons:
The graphics were good
The game was possible to beat
The game was easy (if you like that)
You get to play Quidditch (YAY!!!)
Aimed at a younger audience
Very limited playtime
The game was easy (if you don't like that)
You could only be a seeker in Quidditch
The Alohamora spell doesn't work on most doors (which is insanely annoying when
you spent like 2 hours trying to get it)
On the whole, I liked the game and recommend it to
A) Youngsters (11-14)
B) People like me who NEVER beat games (and therefore like easy games)
C) Hardcore Harry Potter fans who don't care what the game is like so long as
the title has the words "Harry" and "Potter" in it
That was my review and I hope you liked it.
100 Oaks, California
Review 2
Game Review: Harry Potter and The
Chamber of Secrets for Nintendo Gamecube
Graphics: The graphics on this game were very good. 10/10
Camera Views, Angles: The cameras in this game work fairly well, except for a
few times when it changes direction and you end up going the wrong way because
of it. The Restricted Section has a couple times that the camera is a little
bad, but not too much. 8/10
Gameplay/Controls: The controls make a lot of sense. The game play itself could
be improved if more things were connected, so that you didn't have to load every time
you go inside a room. 9/10
Common Sense Factor: The game doesn't go long enough to make it great. You
should be able to take more classes and have more objectives. There is a BIG
problem with some common sense from the book in this game. Why would Hogwarts, A
History, be in the Restricted Section?? 7/10
Replay Value: Not much at all, unless you want to get all the Wizard Cards. You
could also buy all the Weasley's stuff, and find all the Lost and Found items
from the Gryffindor Common Room bulletin board. 6/10
Overall: This is a pretty good game, but the length of it hurts the overall
score. Some of the game is fun, though. So I'd say either 7/10
or 8/10.
Buy VS. Rent: Rent. It's too short of a game, and if you're lucky, you can even
finish the game in the same number of days that you're at Hogwarts in the game.
Game Review By: beyondtheveil04