Quidsticks 3D, is the first 3-demensional game produced by T.W.W.N. Games. Quidsticks 3D is scripted in C++ and runs on the high performance Irrlicht Engine.
    Development of Quidsticks 3D began in early July of 2004 and has continued to progress over the past few months.
    Listed below are current features available with Quidsticks 3D as well as other features we hope to implement in the future.

Current Features
-Full 360 degree flying capabilities
-Acceleration and Braking during Flight
-Ball catching, throwing, and scoring*
-Smooth collisions with all objects
-Health/stamina systems for both teams
-The behavior for the red, black, and gold balls have been developed.

*Scoring systems have been developed for both teams however the AI for the opponent is still in development.

Possible Future Features
-Rain, snow, and fog weather effects.
-Sound Effects

Other Notes
    At this point the opponent player's AI has been developed enough so that it will follow the red ball or other player if they have possession of the ball.
    Quidsticks 3D is also highly customizable meaning that image/skin modification are possible.


    Below, are screenshots and videos from Quidsticks 3D. Please note that the quality of the screenshots and videos is much lower than that of the graphics in the game in order to reduce file sizes. New content will be added as the game progresses.


qs3dscreen1.jpg (102709 bytes)  qs3dscreen2.jpg (54516 bytes)  qs3dscreen3.jpg (93076 bytes)

Please note that these are only initial release screenshots. We are currently working on improving the graphics (particularly that of the sky) so new screenshots will be added as the game progresses.

QuickTime is required to view the following videos.

Video 1  |  Video 2

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The Quidsticks title, game, logo, and all related insignia are Copyright © 2003-2005 T.W.W.N. Games.
All Rights Reserved.